Kaleidoscopic Minds

Multicolor, Dynamic, Unpredictable

‘We experience changes that we are compelled to adapt to, creating the colourful and diverse perspectives showcased in: Kaleidoscopic Minds’.
The exhibition was held by the photographer Muhammad Sunbol and myself on February 21st 2020 in Gage gallery, Sheffield and lasted for almost a week. It showcased over  30 modern photographed framed prints, 20 digital art on photography, contemporary collage art framed prints, 10 colorful acrylic on canvas paintings and a digital installation of kaleidoscopic patterns creating an exciting journey of change and growth . Several pieces utilized  Kaleidoscopic patterns to emphasize the concept of constant change.  Most exhibited pieces were sold. “Kaleidoscopic Minds is the first Arabic themed exhibition naming a huge success”- ShefNews. The exhibition received  grand recognition. The University of Sheffield exhibited our posters on their screens and the School of Architecture advised their students to visit ‘Kaleidoscopic Minds’ for inspiration purposes. 
 Location: Gage Gallery, Sheffield, UK